Will the DNC go Hogg Wild?

Gun Rights

We haven’t written much about one of America’s most irksome or notorious or galling gun-ban extremists, David Hogg, in quite some time.  Honestly, his “star” power as an activist faded a while ago, so even when he has spouted off some anti-gun rant, not many paid any attention.  He had become the personification of the old journalistic “Man Bites Dog v. Dog Bites Man” adage.

David had simply become the dog biting a man.

But he did try to thrust himself back into the spotlight recently by announcing he wants to be a vice chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC).  According to Hogg, he seems inspired to seek the position after he took offense to a Democrat consultant pointing out the 24-year-old had said something “stupid,” presumably implying the unspecified comment was damaging to the cause of Democrats.

Hogg is probably used to people pointing out comments that he makes that are not always helpful, so we are not sure why this particular one set him off.  We could probably publish a short book of the articles we have written in the past exposing the young man’s inability to refrain from making himself look foolish or uninformed.

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We pointed this out when he tried to encourage Canadians to get involved in American politics; something that, in some circumstances, would be illegal.  When Hogg demanded a tax be imposed on firearms and ammunition, we explained that he was about a century too late with his idea.  When law-abiding gun owners held a peaceful rally in Richmond, Va., the then-Harvard student took time off from his studies to launch a plethora of insults and incendiary jibes at the men and women who chose to peacefully express their political views.

Time and time again we have pointed out the things Hogg has said or written that call into question his intellect, temperance, or simple ability to grasp political reality.

So, now that Hogg wants to be part of the DNC leadership, we just have one thing to say:  Yes, please!

Now, NRA is, and always has been, a non-partisan organization.  While far more elected Republicans support the Second Amendment than do Democrats, we welcome any supporter of our right to arms irrespective of their party affiliation.  Unfortunately, most modern Democrats in leadership positions—whether they be elected officials or party operatives — now tend to be virulently anti-gun.

In other words, Hogg would fit right in.

As long as Democrats in leadership positions insist on making attacks on the Second Amendment a prominent plank in the party platform, it makes it easier for NRA to point out just how misguided and partisan their attacks are.  It also serves to alienate members of their party who do not share this irrational hatred of one of our nation’s founding principles—the right to arms and self-defense.

Those so alienated are more than welcome to align themselves with organizations that respect their rights, like NRA.  They can also vote for candidates that support the Second Amendment, as many Democrats did when they voted for Donald Trump last November.

In a perfect world, Democrat party elites would abandon their unhinged assault on freedom and accept that the Second Amendment protects the rights of all Americans.  But many currently view our gun rights as a wedge they think they can use to divide Americans to bolster their hold on whatever diminishing power they have.  We saw how well that worked out for them on Election Day.  If they think having David Hogg helping to steer their ship will help, then that’s just further evidence that the leaders of the DNC are as out-of-step with America as Hogg.

For even more evidence of the Democrat Party higher-ups’ loose grasp on reality, the man who was supposed to be second-in-command of the party, former VP-candidate Tim Walz, has endorsed Hogg’s candidacy.  As Walz prepares to head back into obscurity, perhaps he thinks he can help yank this young man out of it.

Ultimately, an official position for Hogg with the DNC seems extremely on-brand for those who helped blow over a billion dollars on a failed presidential campaign.  They cozied up to Hollywood elites, legacy media hacks, and radical, far-left activists and organizations while abandoning what had been a major constituency of their party for so long—hardworking Americans.

Last year, the DNC raised and spent more than half-a-billion dollars on election activities, and vice chairs of the organization are involved in the process of determining where the money goes.  Having an impetuous kid with little real-world experience other than several years of railing against the Second Amendment with his hands on the purse strings seems like a recipe for disaster.  But we are more than happy to see the DNC take the risk on Hogg.

At some point, we’d love to see Democrat leadership abandon their assault on the Second Amendment.  Maybe a few years with Hogg minding the till and spouting  an agenda wildly out of step with most Americans (including large numbers of Democrats) will be just the lesson needed to finally get the DNC to stop waging its war on freedom.

So go Hogg wild, DNC!

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