Month: April 2024

On Thursday, May 2nd, the New Hampshire Senate will be voting on House Bill 1186, an act relating to the use of firearm-specific merchant category codes. House Bill 1186 prohibits the assigning of a specific merchant category code to the sale of firearms, ammunition, or firearm accessories, and provides a civil penalty for violations of this
By Mike Barrett, Ashburn, Va. Tuesday, April 30, 2024 | 2 a.m. View more of the Sun’s opinion section I like to shoot handguns. I’m a National Rifle Association-certified pistol safety instructor and I have a concealed carry permit. But I’m very concerned about ghost guns — homemade, special-order guns made without serial numbers or
Joe Biden and Donald Trump have a prime political opportunity to pounce on marijuana legalization, especially in four key swing states. Show Caption Hide Caption Election 2024 gets more interesting with marijuana, abortion on ballot The Florida Supreme Court clears way for abortion rights and recreational marijuana constitutional amendments to be on the Florida ballot
Americans own guns. They’ve always owned guns, even before they were officially Americans. The British subjects who lived on this continent back in the 18th Century eventually used their guns to help expel British soldiers and establish what would become the greatest nation the world has ever known. And what makes America great is that
Because gun control has little or nothing to do with solving problems (other than the “problem” of Americans owning guns), marketing is crucial to its success. And crucial to the success of marketing is devising compelling catch-phrases for products being foisted upon the public. Firearm prohibitionists have succeeded so well at this that their nomenclature
The Washington Post published a new story Monday revealing that Donald Trump has all but ruled out choosing Arizona Senate candidate and election denier Kari Lake as his running mate, despite months of speculation that she may be one of his top choices for VP. And his reason for souring on the loyal MAGA extremist
U.S. District Judge Diane Humetewa acquitted three former Backpage executives of myriad counts against them last week—more evidence of how empty so much of the federal case against them is. Humetewa ruled that there was insufficient evidence to uphold 50 of the counts* against journalist and Backpage co-founder Michael Lacey, 10 of the counts against
The M4SAT nestles down onto the front sight and lets you quickly and accurately rotate it to make adjustments. The scene was the same in every class. Officers would show up with rifles that were dirty, lacking lube and not zeroed. Not all, but enough of them. Applying oil solved the dry and dirty, but
Last week, Dan Poulter, a Conservative Party member of Great Britain’s Parliament, abandoned the Tories to become a member of the Labour Party. In 2022, Christian Wakeford similarly left the Tories to join Labour, the equivalent of an American Republican member of Congress being welcomed into the Democratic Party. The last Republican member of Congress who became a Democrat