Bushcraft Backpacking – New Pack and Gear Loadout

Survival Skills
Link to pack on kickstarter http://kck.st/28LZ295

I travel to the Wildlands non-operating Park to do a bushcraft backpacking solo overnight with my new bushcraft backpack. Designed for me by the Canadian company YNOT.
I hike in for about 5 hours, while testing the new pack, I find a secluded lake, set up camp, cut firewood, explore, cook supper, and spend a very enjoyable night alone in the woods.
Link to YNOT http://www.ynotmade.com/?r=EgGE
Link to the field pouch
Link to the magnetica in multicam
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Joe-Robinet-Bushcraft-260005731008348/?ref=hl
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